Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Our Little Buggie

Okay again its' been a while since I last updated our family blog. A lot of things have happened since November and I will try to fit it all in but it might take a few posts.

November 28th I woke up like any other day with a few back cramps but nothing real serious. I was feeling this cramping kind of pain all night and all morning but it wasn't consistant and it didn't hurt very much for very long. Ricky woke up and wanted to go duck hunting with my brother but i kept saying ouch. he asked me if it was still okay or if he should stay with me. I told him to just go because i was going to be fine. I was going to stay at home and finish up a few projects before the baby comes. She wasn't due for another 5 weeks anyway. He kissed me and went on his way. About 10:30 am i was on the phone with my older sister and we were just doing our catching up talk that we do, only i kept saying something every few minutes. she asked me if i was okay and i told her it was nothing and that it was just some cramps that i had been having since the day before. She told me that I should go get that checked but i told her that Ricky wasn't home so i had nobody for the kids so i would have to wait for him to get home. she got off the phone with me and called me back with my mom on 3 way. They said that they were going to come up to my house and take me to get checked and that my little sister was going to watch the kiddos. I grumbled a little because i didn't want to be sent home for braxton hicks contractions. but i went to please the crowd. They told me to keep trying to get a hold of Ricky to let him know i was headed up to the hospital.
well around 11:30 am we got up to McKay Dee Hospital in ogden and I sat in the labor and delivery room and waited for 45 minutes for them to come talk to me and get me hooked up to the monitors. my contractions were coming about every 4 minutes and getting stronger. The nurse came by and checked me after one bag of iv fluid to see if i had progressed any. I was at a 2 and half. so she gave me one more bag of water because i was dehydrated. during this time my ob came by to see me and told me after this bag they were going to send me home around 4:30 pm i finally got a hold of Ricky. he told me he didnt have his phone because he didnt want to drop it in the marsh but he was soo sooo sorry. He asked me if i needed him to come up to the hospital to be with me but i told him to stay with the kids because i was going to be there as soon as my iv was done. a half an hour later they came to check me and disconnect my iv but when they checked me i had dialated to a 4, so she had to go talk to the doctor and see what she wanted to do. she came back at 5 and said< looks like we are having a baby tonight. she asked me how 5:15 was and i told her i had to get ricky up there firstso i got on the phone and called my husband and told him to hurry because they were taking the baby c-section in 15 minutes! He got to the hospital in time to put on his gown and walk me to the or. on the way to the o.r. i felt this gush of fluid run down my leg and soak my sock. we got me on the table and i told the dr. she checked me and said that my water had just broken. At 5:45 my little Katherine Marie Kunkel was born with dark hair. she was 6 lbs even and 18 inches long. she was early but she was doing well and breathing on her own.

3 weeks later we went to the dr for a rash and cream for her belly button area. Dr took one look and said we needed an ultrasound on her to see if everything was ok. we got the ultrasound the next morning and after careful review they told me my baby was going to have to go up to primary childrens hospital and have surgery because her belly button was still attached to her bladder and they needed to cut the tie. we scheduled the surgery and got he pre check up but found out she had a serious infection that needed to be taken care of first. I took her to mckay dee and they gave her iv fluids. then they told me they needed to do a spinal tap to rule out meningitis because she wasn't getting any better. they did the tap and it came back possitive. my baby had meningitis and we had to see if it was viral or bacterial. it turns out it was the kind that we could treat with anti biotics and send us home.
she cleared up real nicely. then it was off to do the surgery. she did real well with that and we were able to go home the next night.
about two weeks after that we were back into the hospital for rsv.. they treated her and sent us home after about 3 days. but 2 days later we were right back because she quit breathing in the middle of the day. they gave her some breathing treatments and they suctioned her clean and after about another 48 hours we got the okay to go home.
so its been a whirl wind of dr visits and hospitals for us and we have had our scare with a few things but now some things are starting to calm down and we are all on a healthy road.
Now we just need a few more things to work out like my husband getting a job and we will be doing better. I will have to write more later as it is getting late and my kids are hungry.
take care for now and we will try to post more often to keep others in the loop.